Tidewater Central


Come Worship With Us

Sunday mornings:

9:00 Sunday School

10:00 Morning Worship

Watch live on our Facebook Page

A Welcome from the Pastor

We are excited that you are interested in learning more about Tidewater Central! You may be asking “What on earth is a Nazarene?” That is a great question.

We have three core values here at Tidewater Central:

  • First, we are followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
  • Second, we believe in Holiness living. The Bible teaches us to be holy, because our God is holy.
  • Third, we are called to be Missional. The Christian faith isn’t just about ourselves, it is about reaching and impacting our lost world.

These cores values drive all that we teach and do at TCN.

What to expect

At Tidewater Central, you will find individuals who come from many different denominations. You will find people who dress formal, and some who dress more casual. You will find people of all different ages. You will see hands lifted in praise, and people praying at the altar. The Holy Spirit is here at TCN, and we invite you to be as well. We will do our best to make you feel right at home.

– Pastor Jacob Snyder


Sunday School

Sunday mornings for all ages 9:00am


Sunday mornings at 10:00am

Bible Study

Contact us for more information

Get Involved

Tidewater Central Church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for disciples to build disciples. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Join one of our many Bible study groups, or find a ministry that works for you! Here are ways you can learn, serve, and grow at TCN.

Contact us for more information about any of Tidewater Central’s Ministries.


Children's Ministry

Each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers are carefully screened and trained in children’s instruction. Sunday evening is the time for children to practice quizzing for Bible quizzes scheduled throughout the school year for our Virginia Nazarene District. The children’s wing of Tidewater Central is an exciting place to be, with Beth Stacey and her helpers!

Adult Ministry

Tidewater Central has various events through out the year. Whether it is Women's groups, Married Couples, Military Ministries, or the JOY Club (Just Older Youth). You have the opportunity to disciple and be discipled.

Discipleship Groups

Often, small groups of people are better able to interact and learn about a topic than larger groups are. For that reason, Tidewater Central Church of the Nazarene has small Bible studies held on Sunday mornings, as well as a variety of times and days throughout the week.

Young Adults

Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions, bigger stakes, serious relationships, and a whole lot more decisions. Find your niche in one of the styles of groups at TCN.

Youth Ministry

Our teens enjoy a time of fun, praise, worship, and scripture Sunday and Wednesday nights. The teens share a lot of laughs, tears, struggles, and successes, as they study together, pray together, and plan special events together.


If you are interested in assisting with our Children’s Church or Nursery, we have a special place for you, during the school year and the upcoming summer! Come and be blessed by our children!


Tidewater Central’s worship music provides a beautiful blend of traditional and contemporary songs to set the tone for Sunday morning worship. If you want to share your gift by joining the Worship Team or providing Special Music for Sunday morning, we will get you in contact with our Worship Director, Rhona Hands. There is always room for vocal and instrumental talent at TCN!

Our Staff

Jacob Snyder

Senior Pastor

Jacob Snyder is the Senior Pastor of Tidewater Central. Jacob was born and raised in Mount Juliet, TN. Jacob received his Bachelor’s Degree from Trevecca Nazarene University and his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Leadership from Olivet Nazarene University. Jacob was ordained as an Elder in the the Church of the Nazarene in 2018. Jacob has a passion to get individuals engaged in the word of God, and a passion to see the church make a difference in our community and our world. Jacob is married to Kari Snyder and they have 3 children (Grace, Esther, and Malachi).

David Kriner

Associate Pastor

Pastor David is TCN’s Associate Pastor, serving the church in a variety of ways, as he helps to oversee all areas of ministry. He and his wife Theresa, as well as their seven children, reach out to many people to make them feel welcome at TCN.

Walt Kriner

Shepherding Pastor

Pastor Walt has been on staff at Tidewater Central since September 2013 and he currently serves as our Shepherding Pastor, serving the senior adults and retired pastors in our congregation, as well as mentoring the staff, guiding their ministerial education and district requirements.

Rhona Hands

Worship Director

Rhona Hands has been on staff serving as Worship Director at Tidewater Central since April 2010. She has served in numerous ministries over the years, but her concentration has been on the music programs in the Church of the Nazarene since graduating from Mid-America Nazarene College (now University) with a BA degree in Church Music and Religious Education. Her passion for playing Christian music on the piano was developed in her teen years and she enjoys giving praise & worship to God through her music. Originally from Kansas, she grew up on a farm there, and then moved to New Orleans, Louisiana after graduating from college and began her ministry in a small Nazarene church there. She had gone to New Orleans on a 6 week college work and witness trip and was led to move there and continue working in that church after graduating. In Dec of 2001, she moved from New Orleans to the Tidewater area and began attending & being involved at TCN. Her outside interests include spending time with her sister & brother-in-law who live here also, gardening, reading, & vacationing back to Kansas or taking cruises.

Heather Wells

Children’s Pastor

I am blessed to have the privilege to be the Children’s Pastor at TCN! I am a graduate of Mt. Vernon Nazarene University and an ordained Deacon in the Church of the Nazarene. I teach full time for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband, 3 children, and a sweet grandson.

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